
Uncover 6 Mistakes of Cover Plate and Intelligent Toilet

Post time: Dec-02-2022

This is a long-standing debate in the name of hygiene: should we wipe or clean after going to the toilet?

Such arguments are not easy to draw conclusions, because few people can speak frankly about their toilet habits. However, because this problem is ambiguous, it is necessary to review our bathroom habits.

So why do most of us think that toilet paper can thoroughly clean your body after going to the toilet? We want to eliminate some common misconceptions here and provide some cleaning facts about the intelligent toilet and the cover plate.

smart toilet bowl

Myth 1: “If I use an smart toilet, more water will be wasted.”

It takes more than 35 gallons of water to produce a roll of toilet paper.

Clean facts: The proponent retorts that compared with the water used to produce toilet paper, the water used to clean the smart toilet is negligible.

smart toilet bidet

Myth 2: “It is not environmentally friendly to use smart toilet bowl.”

Millions of trees are made into toilet paper every year. Considering that the regeneration rate of trees is much slower than the rate of water saving – water saving can be implemented immediately, but the damage caused by tree cutting is difficult to reverse. People use a lot of chlorine to bleach paper, and the packaging of toilet paper will also consume a lot of energy and materials.

Cleaning Facts: Toilet paper can also clog water pipes, increasing the load on urban sewage systems and sewage treatment plants. In fact, the use of intelligent toilet, has much less pressure on the environment than the use of paper.

smart wc toilet

Myth 3: “The smart intelligent toilet is not hygienic, especially when it is shared by many people.”

Most infections are caused by bacteria entering the lower urinary tract – the bladder and urethra. Simply wiping your farts with toilet paper does not remove bacteria! In fact, rubbing dry toilet paper can cause inflammation, injury and hemorrhoids. To make matters worse, if you wipe your farts from the back to the front, rather than from the front to the back, you may bring bacteria from the anus to the urethra.

Cleaning facts: intelligent toilet cleaning is more effective than wiping with toilet paper. A precise cleaning angle greater than 70 degrees ensures thorough cleaning are equipped with antibacterial double nozzles, self-cleaning nozzles and nozzle baffles to prevent dirt from entering the nozzle tip and ensure high level of hygiene.

toilet bowl smart

Myth 4: “I wash my hands with toilet paper, which is cleaner than touching the toilet bowl smart, because bacteria and germs will multiply on the bidet and its remote control.”

Fecal bacteria can cause serious problems, such as salmonella, a common bacterial disease that affects the intestine. Cleaning yourself with toilet paper may increase the risk of bacterial disease, because your hands touch fecal bacteria when wiping your farts.

Cleaning facts: The intelligent toilet and intelligent cover plate do not need to use hands, so they can minimize direct or indirect contact with feces. In addition, the remote control products also provides antibacterial protection, which makes you worry free in the whole process.

toilet smart

Myth 6: “Smart toilets and smart covers, even manual covers, are very expensive.”

It seems inappropriate to compare the cost of a bag of toilet paper with that of intelligent toilet or intelligent cover plate for a while. However, as far as sanitary standards are concerned, the advantages of intelligent toilet/cover plate are better than those of toilet paper. Many toilet paper brands have been reducing the thickness of each roll of paper while keeping the price unchanged or increasing. When the toilet is blocked by toilet paper, finding a plumber will also increase the trouble.

Cleaning fact: If your basic requirement is clean lower body, you can consider investing in a manual or intelligent cover plate, which is definitely more gentle and cleaner than its dry wipe.

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